This podcast help you gain a clearer understanding of how to assess wildfire risks, implement practical fire-resistant measures, and advocate for policies that promote wildfire resilience in Canada.
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This 7 lesson module discusses the thermal control layer and reviews the importance of thermal control to reduce moisture accumulation risks within the enclosure.
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This 8 lesson module introduces the concept of building enclosure control layers, including the air control layer, and review potential outcomes of poor airtightness that builders can avoid by implementing an appropriate air barrier system and quality assurance tactics.
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This 9 lesson module introduces the concept of building enclosure control layers, including the water control layer, and review potential outcomes of poor water management that builders can avoid by implementing the 4D's principle.
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This session will take a detailed look at how the Carbon Step Code works, what options are available for homes in Metro Vancouver and potential allowances for high carbon fuels.
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What defines a low-load home? Why do old air design principles fall short of meeting comfort expectations? What design and technology options are available for such homes?
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New designs with more glass, more glazing options, energy and carbon targets and occupant satisfaction makes window selection a big challenge but also a very large opportunity!
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This webinar looks into the building science implications when renovating historical walls-masonry and wood frame. Clear approaches to design priorities when planning for enclosure retrofits and the technologies that can assist in construction.
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This thought-provoking session will introduce members to the diverse experiences of disability and the principles that construction professionals can bring to their work to support the building of environments that are accessible for everyone.
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This session will take a detailed look at how the Carbon Step Code works, what options are available for homes in Metro Vancouver and potential allowances for high carbon fuels.
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Are you aware of the BC Building Code 2024 changes to bracing to resist lateral loads due to earthquake and wind will impact all Part 9 housing? This session will explain the upcoming BCBC2024 braced wall requirements and impacts on Part 9 housing.
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This hour-long podcast includes discussion on airtightness and the steps to consider, from planning to execution, on maintaining air barrier continuity. Join them as they discuss real life, hands-on best practices on how to incorporate planning, detailing, and onsite trades for successfully maintaining the air barrier around framing transitions.
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This engaging, thought-provoking session will introduce members to the diverse experiences of disability and the principles that construction professionals can bring to their work to support the building of environments that are accessible for everyone. Attendees will be challenged to think about diverse disability experiences, learn to recognize barriers to meaningful access, and apply accessibility principles to support their projects - including important considerations to support renovation and retrofit projects.
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This webinar will outline a new paradigm for how we approach and value deep retrofits to help Canada prepare for a net zero future while protecting people in their homes.
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Learn more about the province's initiatives to streamline the provincial permitting process by creating a single, coordinated approach to housing-related permits and authorizations across several natural resource ministries.
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The course provides learners with a thorough understanding of the foundational learning related to window and door retrofit, focusing on meeting the priorities and needs of the construction industry. Key introductory topics include visual assessments, regulatory requirements, energy performance product features, building codes, barriers exterior conditions windows/doors.
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This session will focus on climate change and its direct impact on the building industry. This session will also offer builders a chance to go behind the scenes of the insurance industry to learn more about how damages from climate change impact costs.
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Are you ready for the next edition of the BC Building Code (BCBC), or thinking of building small-scale multi-unit housing projects? Registered Building Official, Ken Kunka, will walk you through key changes for BCBC 2024 that come into effect on March 8, 2024. The webinar will cover a discussion on existing and potential challenges.
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The course will include recent research on guarded vs unguarded testing of attached homes, as well as a discussion of construction techniques that can be employed to achieve improved levels of compartmentalization across party walls, floors, and ceilings.
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This session will focus on climate change and its direct impact on the building industry. This session will also offer builders a chance to go behind the scenes of the insurance industry to learn more about how damages from climate change impact costs.
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Are you ready for the next edition of the BC Building Code (BCBC), or thinking of building small-scale multi-unit housing projects? Registered Building Official, Ken Kunka, will walk you through key changes for BCBC 2024 that come into effect on March 8, 2024. The webinar will cover a discussion on existing and potential challenges.
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Learn how to make your close-out process effective and efficient. Practice running a team de-brief and how to create a ‘lessons learned document’ – both from a project and organizational point of view. After this course, you will walk away with a clear close-out process, with a ‘lessons learned document’ that you can use for future projects and organizational change.
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In this course, the three styles of project management will be defined so you can determine the proper fit for different projects. You will learn what a Project Charter is, how to create one and how to use it to establish your project management starting point.
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Learn how to plan for exceptional quality management throughout your project, from site to successful completion, and how to manage the process to ensure your client’s expectations are met.
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This course will teach you how to set out your baseline objectives, so that you can understand how to plan, monitor and report as you go. We will also recap the triple constraint concept and your tools to keep the scope, budget and timeline in check. You will learn how to create measurable outcomes using data reports and how to effectively communicate the information to all of your stakeholders.
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Having a well-thought out procurement plan for your project is critical to managing your scope, budget and schedule, and this course will review proper procurement planning; the issuance of purchase orders and sub-trade agreements; and an efficient close-out procedure for your purchasing.
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This course will help you identify, analyze and evaluate the impact of a risk event and plan a response or potentially mitigating the risk altogether. You will examine a project’s risk management from the project team perspective, and determine the risk management process, who should be involved.
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Project management is an essential skill when taking a construction plan from start to finish. Knowing how to assess risk, map out timelines and budgets, and plan for procurement are just a few aspects of managing a building project – big or small – to a successful completion. This suite of 7 Project Management courses will give you all the tools you need to put an array of project management skills into practice.
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Learn how to define the scope of work and effectively break it down to accurately assign a budget and schedule to each scope item; how to use allowances when necessary; determine contingency; and the all-important management of change orders.
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This presentation explores a more comprehensive and integrated approach to building envelope and window energy performance, with a focus on ways to cost-optimize energy-efficiency by using fiberglass windows and fiberglass thermal spacers for exterior insulated walls.
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This 2-hour online live session will help participants understand the key principles of limiting suite-to-suite air leakage in small scale multi-unit housing. The course will include recent research on guarded vs unguarded testing of attached homes, as well as a discussion of construction techniques that can be employed to achieve improved levels of compartmentalization across party walls, floors, and ceilings.
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This presentation explores a more comprehensive and integrated approach to building envelope and window energy performance, with a focus on ways to cost-optimize energy-efficiency by using fiberglass windows and fiberglass thermal spacers for exterior insulated walls.
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This video recording is Part 3 of 3 of the full day session. The entire 3 part video series takes a deeper dive into the BC Energy Step Code metrics for Part 9 buildings and how to achieve Step 3 and higher through design and building techniques to build better and minimize costs.
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This video recording is Part 2 of 3 of the full day session. The entire 3 part video series takes a deeper dive into the BC Energy Step Code metrics for Part 9 buildings and how to achieve Step 3 and higher through design and building techniques to build better and minimize costs.
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This video recording is Part 1 of 3 of the full day session. The entire 3 part video series takes a deeper dive into the BC Energy Step Code metrics for Part 9 buildings and how to achieve Step 3 and higher through design and building techniques to build better and minimize costs.
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This session is designed as a follow-up session to the online e-learning course Meeting the BC Energy Step Code by Design. This 1-hour webinar workshop focuses on real-life applications by providing case study examples to reinforce the concepts discussed in each e-learning module.
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This course will provide information on British Columbia’s Builders Lien Act and how it applies to various industry stakeholders, including Owners, General Contractors, Subcontractors, and Suppliers.
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This course will take a deeper dive into the BC Energy Step Code metrics for Part 9 buildings and how to achieve Step 3 and higher through design and building techniques to minimize extra cost and tailored for Energy Advisors.
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This course will use the CHBA BC contract and other sample contracts to help viewers identify important contractual terms for their specific business.
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This 5-module course is designed to provide you with an understanding of the purpose of air, vapour, and weather barriers. In this course we review the differences between components, what the functions and benefits are, and best practices for installation to increase the durability of a home and reduce warranty call backs.
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CHBA BC's online eLearning courses, BC Energy Step Code Training – Modules 1 to 8 - Course Bundle, will satisfy the full set of education requirements set by BC Housing specific to BC Energy Step Code training.
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Module 8 of the BC Step Code Training Course is designed to help the learner recognize the design and construction factors that contribute to the success of a building project in meeting BCESC requirements, staying on budget and on schedule, and maintaining working relationships, as well as integrating broad project management and QA/QC tools to lower the risk of missing project goals.
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Module 7 of the BC Step Code Training Course consists of 9 lessons, each targeting a specific learning objective that addresses quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) as they pertain to the BC Energy Step Code.
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Module 6 of the BC Step Code Training Course addresses mechanical systems as they pertain to the BC Energy Step Code.
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Module 5 of the BC Step Code Training Course is designed to help you consider the impact of the BC Energy Step Code on air barriers, including identifying appropriate air barrier solutions, and understanding correct design and installation practices to manage the planning, installation, and testing of performance.
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Module 4 of the BC Step Code Training Course introduces you to the different options you have to achieve higher performance levels when it comes to building assemblies and their interfaces.
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Module 3 of the BC Step Code Training Course builds on the basic building science principles and applies them to evolving and emerging enclosure design and construction practices required to meet the “envelope first” approach.
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Module 2 of the BC Step Code Training Course provides an overview of how architectural and mechanical design choices can have a significant impact on certain building performance parameters, which can either help or hinder compliance as well as impact overall cost.
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