The Canadian Home Builders’ Association of British Columbia (CHBA BC) is committed to academic integrity, educational excellence and student success. Students taking CHBA BC courses and writing final exams must abide by the CHBA BC Education Honour Code, and CHBA BC Exam Writing Policy & Procedures.

Education Honour Code

CHBA BC depends on student motivation to learn course material and to do so with honesty and academic integrity. In order to take a CHBA BC course, students must agree to:

  1. Complete all assignments and exams on their own;
  2. Not share, post or distribute any post-chapter quiz questions or answers, or take, remove, copy, photograph, share, post or distribute final exam questions or answers.
  3. Not engage in any activity that would dishonestly improve their results or improve or negatively impact the results of others.


Exam Writing Policy & Procedures

  1. Each student must present valid photo identification to their instructor or exam invigilator prior to writing an exam. Failure to provide suitable identification will result in not being allowed to write the exam in class and being referred to an invigilation centre to write the exam at a future time at the student’s expense.
  2. Students are not allowed to have another person impersonate them or write any part of an exam on their behalf.
  3. Students can take the exam up to a maximum of three attempts. If they fail an exam, they can reschedule another attempt through the third-party exam provider at the earliest available time.
  4. CHBA BC final exams are written open book. During exam writing, this means students are allowed to access the following:
    1. CHBA BC student manuals
    2. Canadian Home Builders’ Association Builders’ Manual
    3. BC Building Code
    4. Hard-copy study notes taken prior to starting the exam
    5. Traditional (non-electronic) calculators

However, students are NOT allowed to access the following:

  1. Any part of any course exam or post-chapter quiz, including either questions and/or answers. No exceptions.
  2. Any electronic device including but not limited to cell phones, MP3 players, and smart watches. Students are not allowed to use any form of electronic device to monitor the time, complete calculations or review photographs taken of an instructor’s PowerPoint presentation slides.

EXCEPTION: students writing the final exam for either BC Building Code Part 1 or Part 2 courses can use personal computers for the sole purpose of accessing the BC Building Code electronically.

  1. During an exam, students are not allowed to communicate with anyone except the instructor or invigilator, including other students, in any manner.
  2. Students must complete all exam questions on their own without any assistance from others.
  3. At no point before, during or after an exam is a student allowed to take photographs of or otherwise copy down, take, remove, share or distribute any of the exam questions or answers.
  4. All communication during the exam session, whether verbal or written, must be conducted respectfully. Inappropriate language, yelling, or any form of disrespect will not be tolerated.
  5. The instructor or exam invigilator has the authority to designate the desk at which a student will sit while writing an exam.

The instructor or exam invigilator has the authority to seize the exam (and any suspicious notes or materials) of any student suspected of failing to abide by the CHBA BC Education Honour Code and/or CHBA BC Exam Writing Policy & Procedures.

Students found in violation of the CHBA BC Education Honour Code, and/or who fail to follow CHBA BC Exam Writing Policy & Procedures, will be subject to one or more of the following consequences:

No refunds will be issued in the case of any corrective action for such violations.