Course Description
This 2-hour online recording session will help participants understand the key principles of limiting suite-to-suite air leakage in small scale multi-unit housing.
The course will include recent research on guarded vs unguarded testing of attached homes, as well as a discussion of construction techniques that can be employed to achieve improved levels of compartmentalization across party walls, floors, and ceilings. Benefits to occupants will also be reviewed, including content on sound transmission and indoor air quality. Relevant changes to recent and future building codes may also be included.
- Refresher on the basics of blower door testing, and the differences between guarded and unguarded tests
- A review of air leakage metrics and their relationship to attached unit testing (NLR50 and ACH50)
- Overview of typical party wall details
- Review of improved compartmentalization practices including: critical air sealing details, cost effective sealing methods,
- discussion of materials & application
- House-as-a-system impacts of improved compartmentalization
Presented by:
- Mark Rosen, Director of Building Science, Building Knowledge Canada Inc.