Non-Member Cost :




25% off for CHBA BC members – learn more here

BOABC members are eligible for a discount. Please contact for more details.

CPD Points (BC Housing):

6 points

CPD Points (BOABC):

5 points under Category A3 (you will need to self report these points)

BC Housing Competency Area:

Relevant enactments

Time Commitment:

6 hours

Delivery Method:


Course Description

Adopted in the BC Building Code 2024 are new Part 9 bracing requirements for wood frame construction, coming into effect on March 10, 2025. The redesign of Section 9.23. is substantially changed to accommodate modern housing design and higher seismicity, mainly Subsection 9.23.13. Bracing to Resist Lateral Loads Due to Wind and Earthquake. The increased seismicity warranted a redesign of the methods for resisting lateral loads and new solutions so that designers can continue to design within Part 9. These changes will apply to all Part 9 housing in BC, including low seismic and wind locations.


Course overview:

  • Background of the Part 9 changes to lateral load resistance (What, When, Why)
  • Key terms (braced wall bands, braced wall panels)
  • Compliance paths, including limitations of Part 9 design
  • Basic calculation of Part 9 compliance paths
  • Braced wall panel options (materials, dimensions, fasteners)
  • Allowable exceptions



Delivered in partnership with the Community Energy Association (CEA) through the Kootenay Clean Energy Transition project, an additional $50 subsidy is being offered for participants attending the Fernie, Invermere, and Creston sessions (this subsidy is in addition to any other discounts available to members).

The $50 subsidy will be refunded post-class to those who attended the session in full.

Course Format

This in-person course requires successful completion of the following components:

  • Attendance for the full duration of the in-person session

Course Material

There is no textbook for this session. All course materials are contained within the presentation during the in-person session.